Jesus Christ's command before he left earth was to make disciples of all nations.
Christlikeness is the resemblance or showing the Spirit of Christ. The scriptures in Acts 11:19-30 reads in part the disciples were called "Christians" first in Antioch. They did not call themselves that, but the unbelievers called them "Christians" because they saw in the lives of the disciples how they exemplified the teachings of Christ.
As disciples or believers, we should be seen as dedicated followers who actively imitated both the life and teachings of Jesus. We are equipped to do this by first confessing with our mouth the Lord Jesus Christ and believing in our heart that God hath raised him from the dead and receiving Him as Lord and Savior. We then receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit who now lives in us and gives us boldness to live out the teachings and life of Christ Jesus.
As the world looks on us, we should be salt and light, making a difference in our generation. As disciples, we minister to the sick by laying hands on them, we let our conversations be filled with hope for the hopeless; our character and manner of life should be such that people want to follow us. As we walk out Christlikeness, the enemy will be stirred to come against us, but Christ already told us if we live godly in this world we will suffer as he suffered. Suffering is a part of our maturing and growth process, but the joy of the Lord helps to keep us steadfast in our walk. To be like Him is to not get hostile when people persecute us so they can see the love of Christ coming out of us. Being a Minister of the Gospel is not a calling for disciples to sit back and let others serve them, we are to be like Jesus. He didn't come into the world to be served, but to serve. (John 20:28).
The sinners loved Jesus because he was there to heal the sick, to set the captives free, and open the eyes of the blind. The religious leaders in that day didn't like Jesus because he came as a servant. The fruit of the Spirit should be so evident in us that people are asking "where do you fellowship?" The presence and aroma of Christ should be drawing people to the Christlikeness that flows through us and then we point them to Christ Jesus and they become disciples.